Dean of Student Services Elizabeth Miller discusses legislation to approve two large digital screens for the audience to view graduating students at commencement ceremony. The funds were approved for $27,000. Photo credit: David Jenkins
Dean of Student Services Elizabeth Miller presented the ASCC Senate with Transfer fund legislation to request transfer money of unused Game Room Renovation funds to the Commencement budget to cover the cost of two large screens that will show the graduation ceremony to those seated farther from the stage.
Along with the video wall, the costs includes the filming of ceremony and a live stream on YouTube, so relatives and supporters can view their loved ones graduate.
The initial request for the fund is $27,000
Dean Miller said, “I think it is incredibly beneficial to provide the video enhancements to the Commencement ceremony, it adds to the ambience at the event, increases accessibility for guests because the video is captioned.”
She added that it allows for the college to document and keep a video history of the event on YouTube and also have easy access to it any time anyone wants to watch it.
Senator Allen Malfavon said “I imagine families out there would really appreciate that they can see a different view of their family member graduating from Cerritos, when I think about that I’m in favor of that.”
Student Trustee Karen Patron brought forward the topic of discussion of possibly increasing Meal funding for students who attend educational trips.
The Meal Funding legislation was passed on Wednesday, March 1, by the Senate where it initially funded $29 for each student on the Northern California Tour but now senate is considering increasing it to $40.
Patron said “It’s not enough money when we were in the Northern California trip we had a senator spend the $42 on food alone and that shows how much more expensive food is now”.
The Meal Money will help cover the students breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
No meal should exceed $18 and students must turn in receipts to check if any rule was broken.
Any remaining money not used students should will have to return.
Senator Sandra Ortiz said, “I personally think that we should increase the meal funding from $29 to $40 I agree with it, I want this legislation to be passed.”
She added that her friends have recently gone to the Northern California trip earlier this month and found the $29 provided was really helpful, because some students are economically disadvantaged and this funding is a big help for them.
Malfavon said, “I did go to the Northern California trip last weekend and did benefit from that, I had planned previously with my own money to pay for my meals but it helped. I’m grateful for Senator De La Rosa [and] what he did; but as far as increasing the amount I’m highly skeptical that any person needs more than $40 a day to eat.”
He added that there is a responsibility for the student to be economical and plan ahead for educational trips.