On Wednesday, April 5 ASCC Senate welcomed Jarell McNeal and Damantc Austin Brown as new senators.
Jarell McNeal is a Computer Science major and recently found out about ASCC Senate two weeks ago from his friends.
“I want to have a voice for people that don’t really have a voice in here, specially for African Americans, you count how many are in here with one finger, I just want to represent all of them,” McNeal said.
McNeal admitted, he wasn’t nervous and was really confident about the senate’s approval.
This is McNeal’s first year attending Cerritos College, he looks forward to working with other senators in the future, and making a change for students.
He wants students to know he’s an approachable guy once you get to know him, he loves music and he’s also know as “JD.”
Brown is a Business and Economics major and the ICC Rep for Alpha Gamma Sigma.
This is Brown’s first semester attending Cerritos and wants to get involved with the school and speak out for students.
“I wanted to become a senator because I really want to become part of the school and students get their voice out as well and I believe that the senate has a big impact in Cerritos College.”
He found out about ASCC early this semester from the Vice President Enrique Rodriguez.
Brown admitted he was definitely nervous about the Senate’s approval and hoped he could join the senate.
This is the third ASCC Senate meeting Brown attended.
McNeal and Brown gave a speech stating why they want to be in the senate after they were done, none of the senators opposed their appointment into the senate.
Vice President Enrique Rodriguez swore McNeal and Brown after their speech.