Jocelyn Torralba
Senators Joseph Escandon and David Ramirez explaining to ASCC Senate the Student Outreach Program on Wednesday, April 19. They were inspired by Megan Kim's Kiosk Legislation. Photo credit: Jocelyn Torralba
Senators David Ramirez and Joseph Escandon were able to successfully pass the Student Outreach Program legislation at Wednesday, April 19 ASCC Senate meeting.
The goal of the program is to better promote club activities, athletic events, scholarship and application deadlines and availability of student resources through media to students on campus.
Senator Ramirez said, “What we’re attempting to do is to get students more informed, more knowledgeable, have them come out more and participate more.”
He added this is an opportunity for students to find out about scholarships, deadlines, club awareness and an opportunity for clubs to get more student engagement.
Senator Escandon said the program will provide televisions around campus.
Projected on the screens will be live video streaming campus games, events, and meetings on YouTube.
The program will be using social media as one of its biggest platforms to spread the word around to students.
“There’s been years of issues were students felt there was not enough transparency within the ASCC government, this will be an opportunity for us to live stream for them [students] to see what’s going on at our meetings,” Escandon said.
He added they will also live stream of ASCC Court and ASCC Cabinet meetings.
Camera rentals will be offered for club members to take pictures and share them to be displayed on the plasmas around campus.
Clubs will have to check out the camera in the ASCC office.
The televisions will be installed during the summer semester, and be ready by the 2017 Fall semester.
Senator Escandon said he and Senator Ramirez teamed up because they noticed the lack of student participation in the Student Trustee Forum and in many other events.
They wanted to come up with something that will get the students more involved in school activities.
They were inspired by Megan Kim’s Kiosk legislation because students use media more often, so they came up with the usage televisions and social media.
Ana Sosa, Kinesiology major and Vice President of iFalcon said, “I think it’s beneficial for the school and clubs, it gets more students involved with school events.”
She added that, the Student Outreach Program will definitely benefit her club with more student participation.
she likes the idea that the program will offer cameras for club members to rent and share their club event memories with everyone on campus.
Nancy Jimenez, Sociology major said the program is a great idea because, she doesn’t see many students at school event an the program will help advertise the events more.
She also said the program would also allow for her to get informed about scholarships, important deadlines, and events she doesn’t know about.
“I like this idea because I could see the televisions on my way to class or when I’m waiting for class [and] I could get informed about what’s happening un school,” Jimenez said.
Senator Linda Sanchez, said more work on the program needs to be done; to get students informed, such as doing face to face outreach for the program so students know about the program and take advantage of it.
“How are students going to know unless you tell them one on one, the Senate passed this program we’re doing it for you guys if you have any questions come to the Senate,” Sanchez said.