Rebecca Aguila

Ballot #2 President Valery Escobar and Vice President Armando Avilla

April 7, 2020

Elections on Canvas will stand for April 8, 2020, at midnight to April 9, 2020, at 11:59 p.m.

Ballot #2 President Valery Escobar

Q: What measures will you take to learn about student concerns at large and how will you address those concerns?

A: “In order to understand student concerns, we must go to the source. Cerritos College has a highly diverse student population, and they communicate in different ways. That is why we must find diverse methods to create a line of dialogue with all students. For students who prefer a direct approach, we will hold public forums where they can address their concerns directly and engage with their student leaders. For students who prefer an indirect approach, we plan to network with faculty in order to distribute surveys with respect to student concerns, student life and their knowledge of campus resources. For students who prefer a more one-on-one approach, we will meet with them at the individual level. These interactions between students and student government will provide necessary outreach to students on all sides of campus. The information provided will grant us insight into what we, as leaders can work towards for the students. Our efforts will not stop there, we will work continuously to find effective and engaging methods of outreach, to provide our students with knowledge in regard to campus resources and opportunities. We would invite students to participate in interactive events to discover campus resources and unexplored parts of our campus. We will utilize popular social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram to create interactive and technology-friendly scavenger hunts, stories, and memories. Actively engaging with the student body will build trust and create a bonding culture that will provide us accurate knowledge in regard to student needs. The best way to provide assistance is to know where our struggles are.”

Q: What do you think you can realistically accomplish in your term?

A: “We can accomplish equal opportunities for all students, it can be done by providing students with personalized communication of campus activities, student resources, and current campus news. In which, we will collaborate with campus organizations, clubs, and our Cerritos College foundation to provide our students with basic needs and resources. Especially during times like COVID-19, when we must help our students who are vulnerable and susceptible to leaving their dreams and progress behind. We should all have equal access to opportunities and tools for success.  We will also create a new culture on campus, where we set new guidelines in regards to sustainability on our campus. It can be adopted and used even after we leave Cerritos College. As many students, faculty and community members have expressed their desire for Cerritos College to move towards a sustainable campus, we will continue to strengthen students’ initiatives for example; the geography club‘s initiative for a plastic-free campus, go greens’ gardening initiatives, and previous administration’s efforts to place hydration stations. The campus will move forward together and strengthen our community’s stance on sustainability. Our goal is to provide support to students and help them with their dreams and aspirations. As a cabinet, we will dedicate our efforts to place students first.”

Q: In regard to COVID-19, if elected how do you plan on going about this position’s duties and continuing to work with all groups on campus despite social distancing measures?

A: “In regards to COVID-19 and social distancing, the best way to properly execute the position’s duties is by creating scheduled bi-weekly zoom meetings with advisors and staying up to date with current events. It has less to do with trying to execute the position duties as it can easily be done in a remote business setting, which can still be conducted through many different outlets. The main concern that most students have is in regards to how we can reach students to provide them support and engagement. We can start off by using the type of resources that students use most which are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and canvas. We will create a canvas classroom to provide students with interactive videos, podcasts, and other fun interactive activities. This canvas classroom will be a one-stop for resources and engagement for students. We can create a united community front although, not being in the same location, but still in the same space. As a community, we can still rally together virtually to provide each other with support and safety during these tough times.”

Closing Statement:

“When I was younger, I read a book about a girl named Helen Keller. There was a phrase she said that stuck with me forever. She said “alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” After spending two years at Cerritos College, I have discovered a family of amazing individuals who inspire me every single day. The most inspiring part about Cerritos College, are the students. I see students who take the bus for hours just to get to their classes and further their education. Students who work part-time or full-time and keep putting effort into their classes. There are also some students who have two part-time jobs and still set time aside to study. Parents taking an opportunity to change their lives to provide a better future for their children by working hard and maintaining their grades. Student-athletes who are tired after practice going to their classes and excelling academically. The most inspiring part about Cerritos College is the student effort and their desires. They are the reason why I want to run. I want to assist as many students in reaching their dreams and helping them on their journey. We are more than just a community, we are a family. We help each other in good times and the bad times.”

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Ballot #2 Vice President Armando Avilla

Q: As a leader of the senate, how would you encourage healthy discussion in the Senate between senators and other speakers? 

A: “As a leader of the Senate, and by virtue of being the chairman of the largest branch in student government, the need to promote an environment and culture for healthy discussions is vital. In order to achieve this, I must first lead by example and establish an understanding of what healthy discussions look and sound like. Through committee run training sessions both the public and members of Senate can grow in their confidence and understanding of what can be expected during our meetings and interactions. Speakers would be encouraged to attend Senate meetings prior to their date of presentation, in order to understand the procedures and rules established by the Senate. With this knowledge no speaker should be caught off guard or arrive too nervous to feel they cannot properly express what they have to say.  If attending Senate meetings prior to their date of presentation is not an option, then speakers would be encouraged to reach out to me in order to establish alternative methods of providing the same results.”

Q: How do you plan to expand student involvement beyond students in ASCC to students at large?

A: “Our plan to expand student involvement is through leadership training, outreach, communications, community interactions, networking and problem solving. Leadership training in healthy discussions and productive interactions will allow our senators the confidence required to engage with students across Cerritos College. Our senators can then feel empowered to engage with the purpose of understanding what their students want and need and begin work on legislation to bring to the Senate, aiding in our efforts to outreach, network and build community interactions. Working toward the common goal of providing the students of Cerritos College opportunities to have their voices truly heard by their representatives will build upon our duty serve our students and community. Giving the student body and members of Senate the opportunity to engage in meaningful interactions could unite both parties and provide unforeseen solutions to our toughest problems.”

Q: In regard to COVID-19, if elected how do you plan on going about this position’s duties and continuing to work with all groups on campus despite social distancing measures?

A: “Regardless if elected or not, we will continue to work with our executive student leaders, advisors and personally research ways to alleviate the social issues this virus has created. Currently the student government has moved to an online platform due to the threat COVID-19 presents; This is a starting point, and while we as the student government can continue to conduct our meetings and perform our duties with little conflict, the question is, how do we provide student wide involvement and share essential information. This is where networking becomes essential, building bonds and locating resources. Speaking with department chairs, faculty personnel, and Talon Marks will be crucial in providing our students with information and opportunities they may not be receiving, opening communication channels via email or further online methods will need to be explored.  Our students are masters at engaging in social activities online, they enjoy conversations, actively find creative ways of expressing who they are, and make themselves available for friends and classmates in need. Working together with our students, actively connecting and communicating ideas and experiences can open opportunities to not just continue to perform our duties in student government, but vastly improve our ability to do so.”

Closing Statement:

I have had an incredible journey within the ASCC Student Government, starting out as a senator in the Senate, becoming Chief Justice of the Court, Delegate of Cerritos College, and now Chief of Staff within the Cabinet, It has been my absolute pleasure to have had new challenges every step of the way.  Challenges which include learning new skills, being out of my comfort zone, managing my time, leading a team, remaining unbiased in decisions, and helping fellow members grow into their own leadership roles. I am applying for Vice President to continue my service to the Students of Cerritos College in a more pressing role because I believe my partner and I have the opportunity and experience to deliver on what we say and establish a culture that will provide students of Cerritos College improvements that will live on past our time in office.”


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