Antonio Gonzalez Jr
Roberto Alcaraz re-enacting Cesar Chavez time in the navy on March 31 at Cerritos College.
Cerritos College hosted an event called, “A Moment with Cesar” on March 31 at 11:30 a.m. at the Preforming Arts Center.
Cerritos has a program called ‘Puente program’ which is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities as well as First Year Experience celebrated Cesar Chavez Day.
They reenacting Cesar Chavez legacy; growing up and the important moments of his life.
Roberto Alcaraz, an assistant professor in theater at Cal State LA, who has been acting for over 25 years reenacted Cesar Chavez’s life and gave an insight of why the history of Chavez is important to Hispanics and people of color.
Alcaraz began re-enacting the Delano grape strike which lasted about years, the longest strike in America’s history.
“In 1966, we organized a march, a march from Del Amo to the state capital in Sacramento. I made everyone who was participating take a pledge of non violence from the 250 mile march. We started with about 67 strikers, by the time we reached Sacramento we were about 10 thousand in numbers … but some of the largest growers still refused to acknowledge the union …”
A co-coordinator from the Puente program who marched alongside with the funeral participants of Cesar Chavez spoke about her memory of the funeral.
Rosa Carrillo began reminiscing the day of the funeral,
“I marched alongside the funeral participants and we did the funeral processions. And that was really sad, heart wrenching to know that as a Latino leader he was no longer here on this earth. And so now we all kinda have to pick up that mantle and the work he heavily laid down.”
Sara Chavez, La Puente access coach at Cerritos College weighed in on the great qualities of Cesar Chavez and the attributes she took into consideration.
“Number one his leadership abilities, right. To use his voice to make a difference for the non voiceless or for those that will not speak,” Chavez said, “Number two the fact that he was willing to fight for others and put his own power aside to give back to the others within the community.”
Chavez continued to answer passionately, “I would say that it’s important as someone of color, right. As a minority not a majority, but as a minority to use your voice for the good and for the less fortunate.”
“Moreover for me just knowing that he knew would come across many challenges and barriers he still moved forward; he didn’t allow that to deter him from what he chose to do to make a difference for others.”
“I think the biggest thing I want them to know is that they do have a voice,” Carrillo said, “They can make a difference, right. Whatever kind of voice they want to use. Whether that’s a soft voice or loud voice, but they do have that voice.”
“They have to believe in themselves that change can happen but more importantly they have to want that change […] and they need to see that it’s not just the change for them, but it’s for the entire community.”
Roberto Alvarez has role played Cesar Chavez at Cerritos College for the last six years in which Puente, first year experience and Cerritos are extremely thankful.