On Tuesday, the homecoming cout was introduced.
Out of all the women, only two actually mentioned their clubs.
I thought Homecoming was all about the clubs and getting students involved?
It was quite disappointing to hear what some of these candidates had to say.
One candidate on stage said she didn’t know why she was majoring in the major she chose.
That same candidate also said her favorite thing about college is getting Friday’s off.
It was opportunities like that where she could’ve brought up her club and discuss her favorite club and school activities.
I was expecting more club info from the candidates.
I thought they were going up stage to promote their clubs and in general, get students involved with school?
Kudos to Victoria Kennedy, Forensics Club, and Monique Meza, Cosmetology Club, for actually talking about club activities and mentioning to students that homecoming is actually for our clubs.
It seemed like some of these candidates got off track in terms of focusing on school involvement.
These candidates have the biggest voice on campus in getting students involved with clubs and other school activities, but they did not use that big voice during the introduction!
Hopefully in the upcoming weeks, they step out of their comfort zone and actually get out there and get students involved.