If you are carrying a gun at school or anywhere else, the intent of using it is to kill.
Many of us are in favor of stricter gun laws in schools. According to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, 47 percent of people believe that gun control should be important while 46 percent of people think their gun rights should be protected.
It’s scary that the law in some states allows unlicensed holders to sell guns to pretty much anyone who walks into the shop. The law should require dealers of the shops to conduct a criminal background check.
Wouldn’t you want to know if the person purchasing a gun has a criminal record, or have anger management issues?
Having stricter gun laws at schools will give students, professors and faculty a safer place to be in.
Although not all states are the same since they all have their own regulations for firearm sales, its crazy to think that in some states you can purchase a gun without a permit or license. What is this world coming to?
Something needs to be done in order to keep these weapons out of our schools.
Maybe banning guns from schools and having metal detectors at every entrance would do the job. Sure it will cost money to add these detectors in our schools but wouldn’t your rather lose some loose change out of your pocket rather than to lose a loved one or two?
One should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon but only in a gun-free zone and a school should not be one of them.
Allowing guns on school grounds will only make students more fearful of their fellow students and professors. This is why you should allow for stricter gun laws that will hopefully ban guns on school grounds.
Some will argue that the second amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms, but then again, one must remember that a firearm is for self-defense only and the gun must be kept in a locked and safe place in the home and not at our schools.
Guns kill, whether it is an intent to do so or in self-defense.
Guns are not giving birth they are sending people to the grave.
Tragic situations happen to people all over the world, but unless the people take a stand and speak out to make a change for the better and to keep guns out of schools, change will never happen.