Remember all the drivers that frustrate you because they’re too busy on their phones to notice the change of a light or a road sign?
Don’t complain because at one point, you do it too and perhaps a lot more often because students in particular are addicted to their cell phones.
In today’s world, students all over Cerritos College and various other campuses and schools are crawling with people who have their whole five senses buried into their cell phones.
Not only is this ridiculous, but it is also unhealthy to constantly be on your phone browsing, texting, or doing any other miscellaneous matter that companies equip phones with now.
Next time you wonder why you did so poorly on an exam or why you can’t seem to remember what lecture was about today, you might want to stop and think “Am I both physically and mentally in class, or just physically?”
Was your mind on Facebook or Tumblr the entire class period? If the answer is “Yes”, then perhaps you have taken the first step to realizing that you are indeed addicted to your cell phone and that is a habit you should work on changing.
Must students always be “checking in” and updating their status on Facebook or Twitter every five minutes?
Education is a serious matter and should be taken as such. If you are one of the students who sits in the back of the class so you can text or browse the internet during lecture, do all of us a favor and make room for someone who is willing to sit through class and actually pay attention.
It is understandable that it is easier for some students to comprehend school material better than others, but that does not make it right for you to be on your cell phone throughout a lecture. Not only is it sad, it’s also disrespectful to the teacher.
So please, take a moment and think to yourself that being on your phone all the time isn’t going to get you a degree, and it most certainly isn’t going to pay the bills.
Your school or work matters should come first, not your updates and your texts. It’s only beneficial for you, so why not try it?