Hey voting is almost here but what’s the point when your not even allowed to pick who of if you even want to vote.
The the issue brought up in a Cerritos College class is given the choice of going out to vote or not receive they will not receive a letter grade but that’s not fair at all.
Thinking this through this teacher is being totally unfair as it also violates the first amendment which everyone knows gives us freedom of speech.
The point of being forced to go vote is not what our founding fathers fought for as when the constitution was made freedom of speech was given to everyone and a vote is like your voice and if your forced to vote is not your voice any more but that of how made you go vote.
When you get down to the root of the problem there’s no need to make people vote as it’s like if someone forced you to kill other people or i will kill you.
This being forced to vote is the same as when a thief comes up to you and demands your wallet or you’ll be hurt you’re forced to comply is the same with being forced to vote you’ll go and vote and you will hurt others because you vote without being informed and that’s a vote wasted anyway hurting the candidate needing your vote.
There are certain process to voting and what if that person forced to vote missed one of these steps then he would not only fail a class but they would also hurt a candidate in need of votes and possibly the country because wither he/she votes not knowing and being forced to vote is worse than voting and voting for the wrong candidate.
So think of the forced student that has to vote what happens if they don’t and they are on financial aid or termination for financial aid then they can possibly lose everything if they can’t vote for not being registered or other reasons.
They can lose their financial aid because if they are on termination for financial aid this one class make them lose it as they failed the class and it cause them to drop under the 2.0 G.P.A required to keep your financial aid.
If a student like the one mentioned above is in this specific class what then will they be except probably not if the teacher requires it then theses specific class is sunk and no way to appeal this unfairness.
This has to be given thought because if this class shows that it works then others will eventually start to apply this method to their classes as well and many student’s with termination with financial aid or just financial aid is in more risk then if only one teacher dose this unfair requirement for class.
Financial Aid effects this issue because more and more student’s are now on financial aid and if this teachers idea is liked by other teachers then they will apply it to their classes and with student’s with financial aid are marked for every class they fail so, it’s dangerous for student’s with financial aid to take a class like this one as they will eventually fail making it easier to be put on termination for financial aid.
There is no real reason for any one being forced to vote as it doesn’t really show what they think or feel like saying in other words freedom of speech because it’s forced to say or vote for someone when they don’t think or feel that way.
When some one is forced to vote is like silencing their voice because everywhere you hear “go speck up and vote make your voice heard” but if your forced to go vote to pass a class then it’s not your voice it’s that teachers and his/her class voice speaking up not yours.
Also think about the student’s that are actually doing great in their class and have that nice A/B it’s not fair to loses that over not wanting to vote it’s just so idiotic because then that means all the hard work was for nothing as one single vote is what makes the difference between passing or failing.
Over all forced voting is not even patriotic because this country is based on being free to chose but being forced to do something is not freedom it’s slavery and this class is being forced to vote or they will not pass is just like being a slave.