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FSZ: How important are the Grammys?
About the Contributors

Laura Brown, Staff Writer
Spring 2015
My name is Laura Brown and I am a journalism major at Cerritos College. After this semester, I hope to attend CSUN and major in journalism with a focus in Public Relations. My ultimate goal is to work in PR in the entertainment industry. I really enjoy writing and making current events available to the public.

Amanda Del Cid, Social Media Editor
Amanda Del Cid, 20 years old.
Current Social Media Editor of Talon Marks.
Previously EIC of Libra Academy Inaugural Literary magazine, and Co EIC of Libra Academy Inaugural news paper.
Played two seasons on the Cerritos College Tennis team.
Catch me around campus, we love to here from students and readers.
Follow at
Twitter: @delmanda94
IG: @delmanda94
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