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About the Contributors

Briana Velarde, Online Editor
Just a journalist in the making. You can call me Bree.
This is my last semester on the newspaper but like everyone else I started as a staff writer. I have also been Social Media, Multimedia, and Arts & Entertainment editor.
Currently pursuing a career in journalism. Music, entertainment, and visual stories are my passion.
How much time do I spend in the newsroom? All day.
Well maybe not all day because I work at a theater and sweep popcorn for a living, but hey these bills aren’t
going to pay themselves.
My ultimate goal to become a digital content producer for a radio station. If all else fails catch me designing for a magazine like Complex or Fader.
Since my life revolves online, therefore I am your current Online Editor.
Excited to be able to share my content on the online and print version of Talon Marks, read all about it!

Karla Enriquez, Managing Editor
‘Ello! My name is Karla M. Enriquez and I am this semester’s Managing & Investigative Editor.
I’m a journalism major & hope to transfer to Berkeley in the very near future. I’m also very much into literature, politics, pop culture, art, and advocating for causes near and dear to me. I’m REALLY musically inclined so you’ll probably catch me at a music event around town. If you catch me around campus feel free to stop me for a chat, I love meeting new people and sharing ideas. Catch me on social media as well.
Twitter: karlamenriquez

Nicolette Aguirre, Arts Editor
Spring 2015
Hello all, my name is Nicolette and I am the Arts Editor at Talon Marks. This is my first semester as Arts Editor and it’s a bit stressing but I’m really looking forward to doing page design. Besides hanging out at the newsroom most of the time, I really enjoy going to shows, mainly tribute shows :D I also enjoy listening to music specially 80’s Metal!!! But I also like classic, alternative, and spanish rock. Other than that, my other hobbies are hanging out with friends, laughing, doodling or drawing, writing, watching funny or cool stuff and playing guitar even though I’ve been sick lagging but trying to get back into it. Any who, that’s pretty much it :]
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