Should adults have the choice to under go gay conversion therapy or should the government ban it? Explain why.

Casey Piotrowski, theatre arts instructor
“Well I believe you can have a choice, but I don’t think it’ll do any good. It’s like trying to change the color of your eyes. But it’s a free country and people should have a choice.”

Danielle Pastor, kinesiology major
“I feel like it should be banned because I don’t believe you should be convinced about who you are as a person. And if you want to go to therapy for gay conversion or have second thoughts about it I don’t think gay conversion therapy would be the right place to go.”

Corina Rosas, kinesiology major
“I believe the individual should have the right to under go therapy treatment if they believe they want it or they don’t. I don’t think the government should necessarily have control … if the person wants to they should have that option. I don’t think the government should take that away from them.”

Phil Herrera, culinary arts major
“I think it’s one of those grey areas, is this more of a medical procedure? Is this more of an actual psychotherapy? Or is it more of a religious angle or conservative agenda? I’m against it [conversion therapy], however this is America and people are free to have their religious practices.”