Should babies be genetically engineered?

Jonathan Lopez, English major
“It’s hard to say because it’s risky and controversial. I am not going to lean toward either side. I think we all just have wait to see how this turns out.”

Philip Herrera, Culinary arts major
“What I worry is that if you … don’t have health benefits and if you don’t have the funds to pay for gene therapy for your unborn child then you might have issues down the road.”

Ivette Melgar, English major
“You shouldn’t do that to a human baby against their will. It could be good too in a way because it could be a good way to get it [genetically predisposed illnesses] out of their systems early.”

Ruth Melgar, English major
“I don’t think it’s right or natural. We don’t know the outcome that this could have so this is something that is really risky. We also don’t know if and how this can affect us.”