Witchcraft can come with negative connotations because of the history that comes behind it. In some cultures, witches were accused of malicious supernatural actions.
However, witchcraft is nothing to be scared about. Witches use the practice for awakening one’s spirituality and taking the time to love themselves and prioritize self-care.
I have been getting more into depth in witchcraft such as crystals, tarot card readings, pendulums, sage or incense cleansing, sound healing, meditation and grounding activities since 2021.
Comparing myself from when I first started and now, I think I am in a better and different mindset. I’m accepting the flaws in my life, such as my childhood trauma and starting to embrace them.
I feel more in tune with myself as I enter the next chapter of my life.
Any person who is dealing with a lot of trauma in their lives or who is handling a lot of weight on their shoulders should try these spiritual activities.
One can start with crystal healing for example. Each crystal has its own meaning and its own property. A crystal’s energy can radiate onto a person’s energy and does its magic over time.
Tarot reading is another great way to get exposed to witchcraft, but it may be a bit difficult to start the work because it deals with intuition, but consulting an expert who knows how to do readings can be beneficial too.
Tarot readings are NOT meant to tell the future, but to give guidance and advice to one who feels lost or to give answers to someone who may be seeking them.
This spiritual practice doesn’t work right away. It’s like practicing how to play basketball. Over time, one gets more efficient with it and sees the difference between when one has started and now.
There are more spiritual activities that one can explore, but from personal experience, witchcraft can make a big difference in someone’s life.
With patience and time, one can see the difference in their life.
Witchcraft is not all about black magic and curses; it’s mostly focused on healing, self-care and better health. The true intention of witchcraft is to create positive energy for oneself or others.
The negative connotations of witchcraft should no be longer relevant in today’s world and should mostly be known for spirituality and mental health.
If one is willing to open to take care of their spiritual, mental health or introduce something new into their life, practicing witchcraft is one of the great ways to start.
Anyone can be a witch and it depends on how one uses it and what their intentions are for it.