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Cerritos College needs better internet

Cerritos College needs to fund better Wi-Fi for the sake of their students.
Student frustrated because the Wi-FI will not work properly.
Student frustrated because the Wi-FI will not work properly.
Emily Maciel

Cerritos College needs better Wi-Fi as it disrupts us from being able to work efficiently during school.

We go to school to get work done and learn, but that’s hard to do when we aren’t provided with strong Wi-Fi that makes class run smoothly for us.

It’s difficult when some apps aren’t loading and we have to wait because our professors’ lesson plans to load.

This is especially hard for students who try getting work done in between classes since that may be the only time they can do their assignments.

It is a struggle to connect to Wi-Fi and even when it does connect, it isn’t the greatest and we’re tired of it.

It’s frustrating having to sit down and wait for the internet to connect again, it wastes our time as we can be doing homework productively during that time but the Wi-Fi lags a lot and at times also freezes our screens and apps.

I have seen several students head to the nearby Starbucks just to get work done when they should just easily be doing that in school where it’d be more quiet rather than having to do their work somewhere loud.

It doesn’t help that the signal is not good at school either, I’ve had my phone go on SOS plenty of times there.

I have tried to text my parents when something important is going on or I have to stay at school longer just so they won’t worry and my messages won’t send.

As a school, they should be providing us with strong Wi-Fi especially if a lot of their students are paying to be there. It is not fair to students paying for their education and they don’t even receive good internet.

Some people just don’t have the internet at home or some people just don’t find it easy concentrating at home because of distractions like younger siblings, etc. So they decide to go to school to try to get work done, but it’s a struggle.

Not to mention the lack of good Wi-Fi can also be dangerous. Say in case of an emergency if we need to call someone it won’t be easy and since we do have school police it may be hard for them to be notified if something does go wrong.

School cameras might not work since appliances need internet and that is never good for the safety of the students, and that should be a priority.

No matter the issue, we need better Wi-Fi and the college should fund money for it as it will benefit all students with their grades and keep them safer.

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About the Contributors
Vanesa Molina
Vanesa Molina is a staff writer for Talon Marks covering community news, arts and entertainment and social media. In her free time she enjoys reading books and listening to music as well as spending her time outdoors. After Cerritos College she plans to attend the University of Southern California.
Emily Maciel
Emily Maciel, Co-Sports Editor
Emily Maciel is the Co-Sports & Co-Social Media Editor for Talon Marks as she returns for her second semester with the newspaper. She is in her third season of working for the Los Angeles Angels as well as her second season with the Cerritos College baseball team. She plans to transfer to a University for the Fall 2024 semester and work for the MLB one day.
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