Fans of Cerritos College athletics can now stay updated on the brand new website, which has replaced the old site previously hosted by
Streaming live video and all visual aspects will be facilitated with the .com site according to Sports Information Director, John Van Gaston, who will oversee the new website.
“We’ve struggled with these features with the college’s site (.edu).” said Van Gaston
The California Community College Athletic Association (CCCAA) has signed up to work with PrestoSports, the company that helped launch the new website.
“I felt like we were limited to the amount of information we can use being attached to the college’s website(.edu), and we wanted the website to be hip, more main-stream using Twitter, and Facebook to stream-live our statistics and profile our athletes.” Athletics Director Dan Clause said.
This transition has been previously tested by other community colleges in California, Long Beach City College was the first California community College to have tried this format.
The new website will be the official Cerritos College Athletics’ website, and now allows the athletic department to generate revenue by selling ad space.
It is composed of team rosters, game schedules, media guides and will eventually feature an online store where fans can purchase Falcon merchandise.
Raising funds through the web-site will allow the athletics department to gain some of the accommodations they’ve lost with all the budget cuts and will also go to the maintenance of the site it self.
Clause said, “by being a .com and no longer associated with .edu, it allows us to start getting fund-raisers and start getting sponsors from the local community, if interested.”
He goes on to mention,“We want to use the fund-raisers to raise money to give to our athletics, so that we don’t have to rely on ASCC and the district.”
What differs now is the ability to design the web-site in any way they choose, of course keeping all content within the limitations of the division. has partnered up with ASCC, and will also promote other aspects in campus.
“It gives us a lot of room to work with.” said, Clause
The website currently has no sponsors, but having it up and running will give an idea to potential advertisers of what the site is all about.
Gaston said, “Having the site launched, now we can go to prospective advertisers saying, here is what the site looks like, this is where your ad will be, this is what you’re working with.”
“Instead of saying we’re Cerritos College; we are going to be starting a new athletic website. We are looking for advertisers.”
To make this revenue-making site, clause said, “We had to get permission from the board, our president Dr. Lacey and from our I.T.”
The website, is up and running but there are a lot of things that need to be fixed according to Clause.
“I think it’s something students can relate to, and we have about a year of constantly creating content before it gets where we want it to be, so it actually is a working progress.”
Anyone visiting the old athletics page on the Cerritos College website will be forwarded