Hello, my name is Lauren Gandara and this is my fifth semester providing content for Talon Marks. After being a section editor for three years in a row since Fall 2011, I decided to take a semester off and did some freelance work. Coming back from taking a semester off, this is my final year as a member of the newspaper before I graduate as a journalism major. After leaving Cerritos College, my goal is to attend the University of Southern California and study telecommunications with a minor in fashion. After obtaining my Bachelor’s, my goal is to become an on-camera reporter for E! News.
Fall 2014
Hey guys and gals, my name is Luis Guzman. I am journalism student at Cerritos College, I’ve been going there for about three years now. I have been involved with Talon Marks, the newspaper for Cerritos College, for five semesters. I have done mostly everything there is to do in Talon Marks; covering breaking news, page design, video production, podcast production, and photography. I like to read in my off time, mostly books about science fiction and horror. I also like to write fiction of my own, mostly poetry and short fiction. The career I have in mind would involve anything that has to do with creative writing and maybe writing some articles for newspapers here and there.