A paralympic event funded by Shoe City and supported by the Cerritos College track and field team, was held last Saturday at the football and track field with 43 athletes from 13 states and two countries participating for a $10,000 shared prize.
Shoe City Open presents a paralympic event at Falcon Stadium
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About the Contributors

Luis Guzman, Managing Multimedia Editor
Fall 2014
Hey guys and gals, my name is Luis Guzman. I am journalism student at Cerritos College, I’ve been going there for about three years now. I have been involved with Talon Marks, the newspaper for Cerritos College, for five semesters. I have done mostly everything there is to do in Talon Marks; covering breaking news, page design, video production, podcast production, and photography. I like to read in my off time, mostly books about science fiction and horror. I also like to write fiction of my own, mostly poetry and short fiction. The career I have in mind would involve anything that has to do with creative writing and maybe writing some articles for newspapers here and there.

Denny Cristales, Editor-in-Chief
Fall 2014
The Big Cheese! I am the Editor-in-Chief Denny Cristales. Just your average, mild-mannered pupusa lover who covers news. I’m not one of those jerks who would ramble on and on about what they do – such as being a former Sports and News Editor, in addition to earning third place at the CCMAs for my sports page design – no, I won’t do that (My staff also conquered the LA Times in local breaking news coverage). What I will do is tell you to look at talonmarks.com and admire the work we do.
Also, talk to me on Twitter: @Den_Crist , or email me: . I embrace the criticism (Also, I get lonely).
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