With the first tennis match of the spring season coming up this Tuesday, Jan. 28 rounding the corner head coach, Alvin Kim, feels that the match may be cause both the men’s and women’s teams to be a little jittery. But with over 20 hours a week spent on practicing, and a close-knit team, victory may be within the falcons’ grasp.
Kim feels that last year’s season was a rebuilding year for both teams, neither negative or positive.
He finds that both teams have the same goal this year: to win conference, and to be top 10 in state. He feels that the men and women will do their best to over come, and come out on top.
Aishha Abdur-Raheem, freshman player, is in her first season with three years of tennis experience in high school, feels positive about the upcoming season.
“We (team members) laugh a lot, and we try and do everything together, and we’re loud,” Abdur-Raheem said.
Abdur-Raheem refers to practicing as “being a full-time job” since the practices add up to about 20 hours per week.
Nathan Eshmade, business major and sophomore player, thinks that the men’s last season as a team started out rough for the first half, but the second half they found their groove, and started to improve.
As for himself, Eshmade feels that last season was very good for him, he only lost once during the entire season, and once at the tournament, which places him as a player to watch at Cerritos.
“The guys have been listening,” Eshmade said, as he is the only returning player, ” but not only am I helping them out, they are helping me out too “.
Some goals that Nathan has are to win the o’heart tournament, as he lost last season.
Nathan also feels really positive, about the first match, saything that foruse they will win.