Happiest spring break!
Saying that as a joke, since there is nothing except old movies to “entertain us.”
The last salvo was NASCAR but not even that is an option anymore, as it was suspended at the last minute until further notice.
So since sports are not going to be happening, what do we do as fans of sports?
Calling the friends to get together for a game of pick-up baseball, football or perhaps basketball seems to be out since they are contact sports.
Don’t try to say baseball games aren’t a contact sport when a runner is on a base taking a lead to the next base and the pitcher throws the ball to the teammate covering the base what do they do? Tag the runner even if they make it back in time.

“Off The Field” is a column dedicated to sports opinions from various writers within Talon Marks. Stories are published on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Let’s use another example, let’s discuss the batter. He strikes or perhaps flies out. The batter hands down the bat to the next one to the plate.
Unless players are going to be carrying around a bottle of Purel, maybe we should kick that idea to the curb for now.
When is the last time anyone played board games?
Unless you are taking into consideration board games on a phone, like iMessage games, it has been a long time in my case and that is certainly true in regards to other people.
But the shuffling of the cards and the touching of the board to move the pieces in a game is contact.
Board games such as this type are ones that are immunocompromised or elders should especially avoid playing since doing so and acting as if it is “no big deal” IS A BIG DEAL so just saying “no thanks I’m okay” is not only keeping your self safe but it is keeping all other players safe with simply skipping out.
As a matter of fact, don’t even show up and instead give them a phone call telling them that due to your condition you can’t make it. They’ll understand given the circumstances.
Contact is contact, even if it is happening in the home.
So our only available options are watching information about the disease, in breaking news, or watching old games being rebroadcasted when you already know the outcome?
Taking it all into context, while yes the times are very boring right now, there will come a time when interacting with one another will be safe again. We will laugh about the people panicking about the virus just like the second coming of the whole Y2K scare.
This will subside and hopefully, we will return back to the life we had a few days ago.