Straight out of Texas comes word that live sports are returning to the country! Albeit in the College arena, but still, sports are back!
This collegiate invitation-only event featuring the best in college baseball, as the four teams are made up of the region’s best in a four-team round-robin tournament format.
Ever since the coronavirus wiped out sports from happening, as has been said previously, the country is starving for a little distraction and they got a taste of what they were missing in the form of Korean baseball.
According to the same KTBX article, “The event has been coordinated with local health officials and will include the full quarantining of everyone involved; From the players, coaches, umpires and broadcast team, everyone will be secured in a local hotel for the entirety of the week. All participants will be tested for Covid-19 upon their arrival, and will be checked daily for any medical conditions.”
So at least they’re all set up for daily tests. That is a win in itself.
The tournament is set for going on through June 4 to June 6.
Although they will be out in Texas, they move by whatever the orders of the president are. They seem like they are doing the best they can in order for the small tournament to get moving.
Although the game might not be what is called for in this country, especially when according to the NY times the number of dead is expected to rise sharply as certain states open up.
Yes, that includes Texas, too, in case you were wondering.

“Off The Field” is a column dedicated to sports opinions from various writers within Talon Marks. Stories are published on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Let the players have their own showcases from their own backyard or park over a Zoom call for scouts to get a last look at you before they pick on draft night.
Face masks and all, but let the players choose to put themselves in harm’s way or play through Zoom at a park.
Throw in one fact that the tournament is going to be pay-per-view and it’s clear that it is the CSBI’S final attempt to bring cash in with these particular players.