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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

All content by John Morfin
Archived photo: Current ASCC President, Lance Makinano and Current ASCC Student Trustee, Jason Macias during Constitution Day during the Fall 2012 semester

[Photo] ASCC trustee and president plan to address the accusation about the misuse of G.O Bond Campaign Funds

Alexandra Scoville April 17, 2013

Archived photo: Current ASCC President, Lance Makinano and Current ASCC Student Trustee, Jason Macias during Constitution Day during the Fall 2012 semester

Dec. 12, 2012 – Page 8 – Opinion

John Morfin December 11, 2012

Dec. 12, 2012 Page 8 Click image to see full pdf.

Dec. 12, 2012 – Page 8 – Opinion

John Morfin December 11, 2012

Dec. 12, 2012 Page 8 Click image to see full pdf.

Wanted individual arrested after hours at school library

John Morfin December 5, 2012

Cerritos College police officers arrested a suspicious individual found in the school library on Monday, Nov. 26. According to Cerritos College Police Chief Richard Bukowiecki, a male individual,...

Wanted individual arrested after hours at school library

John Morfin December 5, 2012

Cerritos College police officers arrested a suspicious individual found in the school library on Monday, Nov. 26. According to Cerritos College Police Chief Richard Bukowiecki, a male individual,...

Cerritos College prepares to hold 2012 ASCC Fall Awards Banquet

John Morfin December 4, 2012

Cerritos College will recognize outstanding advisers, instructors and students at its 2012 fall ASCC Awards Banquet on Friday, Dec. 14. Students, instructors, and advisers were able to nominate fellow...

Cerritos College prepares to hold 2012 ASCC Fall Awards Banquet

John Morfin December 4, 2012

Cerritos College will recognize outstanding advisers, instructors and students at its 2012 fall ASCC Awards Banquet on Friday, Dec. 14. Students, instructors, and advisers were able to nominate fellow...

Suspicious individual arrested at the school library

John Morfin December 4, 2012

Cerritos College police officers arrested an individual wanted for warrants at the college library on Monday, Nov. 26. “An individual, who had no legitimate business inside the library, was arrested,”...

Suspicious individual arrested at the school library

John Morfin December 4, 2012

Cerritos College police officers arrested an individual wanted for warrants at the college library on Monday, Nov. 26. “An individual, who had no legitimate business inside the library, was arrested,”...

Guest speaker informs ASET Club about engineering opportunities

John Morfin and John Morfin November 28, 2012

ASET Club arranges guest speaker to inform students interested in an engineering career in NASA on Nov. 27. Guest speaker Vanaren Long, National Community College Aerospace (NCAS) program participant,...

The many robberies of the fall 2012 semester

John Morfin November 28, 2012

Whether it was broken windows, stolen computers, or missing keys, throughout the 2012 fall semester different areas of Cerritos College had been vandalized and burglarized, with damages and stolen...

The many robberies of the fall 2012 semester

John Morfin November 28, 2012

Whether it was broken windows, stolen computers, or missing keys, throughout the 2012 fall semester different areas of Cerritos College had been vandalized and burglarized, with damages and stolen equipment...

Safety alert creates concern in the Cerritos College Community

John Morfin November 28, 2012

A new safety alert that has been posted in multiple campus building entryways creates concern among the Cerritos College Community. Former Cerritos College student Hyunseok Michael Oh, who may also...

Safety alert creates concern in the Cerritos College Community

John Morfin November 28, 2012

A new safety alert that has been posted in multiple campus building entryways creates concern among the Cerritos College Community. Former Cerritos College student Hyunseok Michael Oh, who may also...

Nov. 14, 2012 – Page 3 – Opinion

John Morfin November 13, 2012

Nov. 14, 2012 Page 3 Click image to see full pdf.

Art major Melissa Duran draws nude model Michael Sscmidt on paper for her life drawing art class. Since the class is on Halloween, the instructor arranged to have a Halloween-themed model to come in to class.

[Photo] Life Drawing keeps Halloween in art

Sangeon Shin and John Morfin November 2, 2012

Art major Melissa Duran draws nude model Michael Sscmidt on paper for her life drawing art class. Since the class is on Halloween, the instructor arranged to have a Halloween-themed model to come in to...

Significant date associated with the 2012 Mayan apocalypse theory closes in

John Morfin November 2, 2012

If some conspiracy theorists are correct, the world is somehow coming to an end in Dec. 21, 2012. The end of days prophecy is a common subject found in a number of different religious writings worldwide. One...

Cerritos College repairs the damage created during the burglary

John Morfin November 1, 2012

Cerritos College is currently in the process of repairing the damage done as a result of the recent burglary of room FA 42 of the Fine Arts Building on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Cerritos College facilities maintenance...

Male student accuses another male student of “peeping”

John Morfin November 1, 2012

A male student accused another male student of taking photos of him while using the restroom facilities. Campus police officers responded to a call placed by the accuser around 10 a.m. on Oct. 30, according...

New study finds some songs are better than sex

John Morfin October 26, 2012

Spotify study reveals that one in three people can name a song that they consider to be better than sex. According to the Spotify website, Spotify commissioned Dr. Daniel Mullensiefen, music psychologist...

History professor John Haas (left) speaks with Scott Martin (right), team co-leader for the MBB Rwanda project, about his experiences in Rwanda, Africa. Martin spoke about his role in mediation discussions and local customs in Rwanda, Africa.

[Photo] Scott Martin visits Cerritos to discuss the progress of the Rwanda Project

Abraham Venegas October 18, 2012

History professor John Haas (left) speaks with Scott Martin (right), team co-leader for the MBB Rwanda project, about his experiences in Rwanda, Africa. Martin spoke about his role in mediation discussions...

Measure G should be voted yes

John Morfin October 15, 2012

Cerritos College students and employees should go out and vote yes on Measure G this November. Cerritos College has been renovating a number of different facilities for quite some time. The project that...

ASCC goes green in meetings

John Morfin October 10, 2012

Associated Students of Cerritos College is going green in order to become more economically friendly and reduce the spending cost of unnecessary paperwork. According to ASCC President Lance Makinano,...

Lauren Gandara who is running for Homecoming Queen for Talon Marks Press Club ballot No.1

[Photo] Homecoming Princess Lauren Gandara Ballot No.1

Patrick Dolly and Patrick Dolly October 2, 2012

Lauren Gandara who is running for Homecoming Queen for Talon Marks Press Club ballot No.1

Brittany Forsythe who is running for Homecoming Queen for the Leo's Club ballot No. 7

[Photo] Homecoming Princess Brittany Forsythe Ballot No.7

Brittany Forsythe who is running for Homecoming Queen for the Leo's Club ballot No. 7

Kenia Avalos who is running for Homecoming Queen for the Broadcasting Club ballot No. 3

[Photo] Homecoming Princess Kenia Avalos Ballot No.3

Abraham Venegas and Abraham Venegas October 2, 2012

Kenia Avalos who is running for Homecoming Queen for the Broadcasting Club ballot No. 3

Amber Belmonte who is running for Homecoming Queen for Phi Beta Lamba ballot No. 4

[Photo] Homecoming Princess Amber Rose Belmonte Ballot No.4

Rosaura Montes and Rosaura Montes October 2, 2012

Amber Belmonte who is running for Homecoming Queen for Phi Beta Lamba ballot No. 4

The Student Activities office entrance. Plywood was used to board-up the broken windows and caution signs and tape were placed on and around the affected areas.

[Photo] Vandalism and thefts leave parts of campus destroyed

John Morfin and John Morfin October 2, 2012

The Student Activities office entrance. Plywood was used to board-up the broken windows and caution signs and tape were placed on and around the affected areas.

ASCC volunteers converse while they give out free food at the early bird special table.

ASCC offers students a free breakfast at the Early Bird Special

John Morfin and John Morfin September 26, 2012

Associated Students of Cerritos College volunteers worked together to provide Cerritos College students with an “Early Bird Special” breakfast on Tuesday, Sept. 25. As early as 7:10 a.m., ASCC...

Homecoming Court candidates attend mandatory election meeting

John Morfin and John Morfin September 25, 2012

Homecoming court candidates arrived at BK 111/112 at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday in order to go over the campaign and election rules. Some of the rules were: Candidates cannot campaign by the voting booths. Posters...

Judge Dredd (Karl Urban, left) and Anderson (Olivia Thirlby) star in "Dredd 3D." (Courtesy Joe Alblas/MCT)

“Dredd” contains lots of bloody entertainment

John Morfin and John Morfin September 22, 2012

“Dredd” is a gory, action-packed film that will leave its audience in a state of shock. The film, written by Alex Garland and directed by Pete Travis, is a futuristic outlook of an east coast city...

Art design major Edwin Joshua Espinoza looking at his art work titled “Squidward” at the  Mary Paxon Gallery in Norwalk, Calif.

[Photo] Espinoza keeps beatboxing alive

Abraham Venegas and Abraham Venegas September 20, 2012

Art design major Edwin Joshua Espinoza looking at his art work titled “Squidward” at the Mary Paxon Gallery in Norwalk, Calif.

Commissioner Karen Zapien and ASCC President Lance Makinano work the booth in place for Constitution Day by the Operation Outreach Committee that happened on Monday Sept. 17.

Students discuss U.S. Founding Fathers

John Morfin and John Morfin September 17, 2012

Cerritos College student volunteers gave out prizes to those who answered general knowledge history questions about the United States Constitution on National Constitution Day on Monday at Falcon Square. International...

A sculpture created by Jean Ngo titled “Sister Valkyrie.” The sculpture had a sales price of $500 at the Student Art Show.

[Photo] Students group art show

Rosaura Montes and Rosaura Montes September 15, 2012

A sculpture created by Jean Ngo titled “Sister Valkyrie.” The sculpture had a sales price of $500 at the Student Art Show.

Graffiti located inside a restroom stall of the Learning Resource Center Building.

[Photo] Vandalism Destroys Newly Renovated Campus Restrooms

Graffiti located inside a restroom stall of the Learning Resource Center Building.

Kaleidoscope project receives 2012 Campus Technology Innovators Award

John Morfin and John Morfin August 17, 2012

Along with Stanford and Purdue University’s IT Infrastructures and Systems, the Cerritos College Kaleidoscope Project received the 2012 Campus Technology Innovators Award from Campus Technology Magazine...

Prince Ethan (Tyler Tingley) gives a gentlemanly kiss to Princess Emmarose (Stephanie Gutierrez)

Cerritos College “Summer One-Acts” unexpectedly funny

John Morfin and John Morfin August 1, 2012

The Cerritos College Theatre Department has begun its 17th annual “Summer One-Acts” which is being held inside the Studio Theatre. The “Summer One-Acts” is a series of short plays, produced...

DKR-16679rC: L-r: TOM HARDY as Bane and CHRISTIAN BALE as Batman in Warner Bros

“Dark Knight Rises” blockbuster of summer

John Morfin and John Morfin July 22, 2012

The “Dark Knight Rises” film, starring Christian Bale as “Batman” and Anne Hathaway as “Catwoman, ” was as impressive as it was long. Two hours and 44 minutes long to be exact. Director...

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John Morfin