On November 9th of this year, developers Treyarch released the next installment to Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare franchise with Call of Duty: Black Ops. The game takes setting during the Cold War with...
Christmas started the day before Thanksgiving. Well, at least it did at the Stonewood Mall in Downey. Walking through the mall on Nov. 24, Christmas music was already playing through the speakers. That...
The Krikorian Pico Rivera Village Walk 15 held a special screening last Wednesday for the upcoming blockbuster "The Next Three Days." The film stars Russell Crowe (Gladiator, American Gangster) and Elizabeth...
Art is comprised of a wide variety of people that can fall under the title of "artist." People such as sketch artists, sculptors, architects, painters, writers, dancers, and musicians can all be considered...
With the many disputes around the world there are a few things we can agree on, like sports. This passed summer; South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup with 32 different countries participating in...
World peace may never exist. Despite that fact, there a few things the world can agree on, like sports. This summer, South Africa hosted the 2010 World Cup where each of the 32 countries attending the...