Sophia Castillo is the Opinion editor for Talon Marks. Sophia also enjoys thrifting and attending concerts. She hopes to transfer to Cal State Long Beach in the fall and hopes to work for Vogue Magazine.
Stans are all around the world. Believe it or not Star Wars, Harry Styles and Banda stans all have something in common. They are die hard fans for what they love.
Cerritos College hosts Grad fair for graduates of 2023. Where they could pick up their cap and gowns as well as pick up their guest tickets and honor cords.
Amy Parker, the Director of Equity and Diversity for ASCC, points out the different categories that are monitored from the College's website on Jan. 23.
Sophia Castillo: Cerritos College hosted its first ever-Santa meet and greet at the Performing Arts Center on
Saturday, December 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The event was completely free, there were...
Cerritos College hosts a donation drive Oct. 3-31 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to help victims of Domestic Violence and has an interactive art that's currently in the game room at Cerritos College.
This topic is about the new age of dating also known as “the talking stage” as Diana and Sophia discuss their dislikes of the talking stage as well as their red flags.
Annabel Keenan, Jonah Jacobs, Madeline Hollander, Patty Change and Andrea bowers all sit to discuss approaches to sustainability at the MOCAS panel on Aug. 25.