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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Review: ‘That Awkward Moment’ is a fresh take on romance

Alexandra Scoville, Editor-In-Chief
February 4, 2014
Guys have their own way of seeing things, but at the end that girl from the bar ends up being someone they want to spend their days with. (the teaser makes no sense.)

‘There Ought to be a Law’ encourages student ideas

Alexandra Scoville, Editor in Chief
January 16, 2014
Assemblymember Christina Garcia has introduced a contest into the 58th district.

New senators get settled as initiatives are discussed in first meeting

Luis Guzman, Associate News Editor
January 16, 2014
Six new senators were appointed in the first Associated Students of Cerritos College Senate meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
Downey Bicycle Coalition Works To Educate Community Members

Downey Bicycle Coalition Works To Educate Community Members

Alexandra Scoville, Freelance Writer
November 14, 2013

The city of Downey is looking on creating a more bike friendly environment. For the past year the Downey Bicycle Coalition has been raising bike safety awareness to its community members. In September...

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Alexandra Scoville