An introduction for Talon Marks' new food column, "What Lola Likes," gives readers an insight on the author's love for food and what might be featured in upcoming articles.
Join Oscar Torres as he looks back on old pop culture gems and reviews them as if they were released today. Do they still hold up to today's standards?
Since 2020 will be the 35th aniversary of the Super Mario Bros. franchise, what better way to celebrate it by tackling a game that started it all and see if it holds up today?
Every day people are faced with adversity in many ways. However adversity comes, do not let it lead to detriment.
Overcome it and show it who’s calling the shots.
I might have MS but it sure as...
While the muscularity might never be there, I will always strive for it.
Whether “it” is, in the gym or in the classroom.
Remembering being in the gym, struggling with the weight I once would,...
Happy belated Valentine's Day to all who choose to participate.
I have been trying all week to think of a topic to cover today but mostly came back to that one topic: love.
Choosing the negative...
Let’s face it: medicine or medical treatment in the U.S. is insanely expensive.
Millions of people will be forced to make a choice between having a medication to keep them alive or starve, and possibly...