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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Alexandria and Rosa Garcia on the morning of April 1.

Middle school meltdown

Emanuel Guadarrama, Co-News Editor
April 30, 2024
Has the culture within middle schools changed for the worse or was that culture broken?
Pledge of Allegiance

First board of trustee meeting of the semester

Samuel Chacko, Editor-in-Chief
August 11, 2022
The first Cerritos College board of trustee meeting discussed a bond presentation and the college's vaccination policies.
The board of trustee members, who are seated at the U-shaped table, had a meeting on July 20 that lasted around three hours where they talked about a variety of topics but COVID-19 in particular.

COVID-19 mandate discussed in college board meeting

Samuel Chacko, Editor in Chief
July 22, 2022
Cerritos College had its second board meeting in the summer on July 21 at 7 p.m. where public comments talked about the mandates and there was a discussion around the college's COVID-19 requirements.
Artist Yeu Q Nguyen stands proudly in front of her piece “Weaving Hope” right outside Porto’s in Downey.

Local artist brings one-day interactive art display in Downey

Silas Bravo, Arts and Entertainment Editor
May 19, 2022
Local artist Yeu Q Nguyen is traveling from city to city with her art in hopes of bringing people together and showing how similar humans are.
Ashton standing in front of Niagara Falls. Photo credit: Courtesy of Ashton Peavy

The laid off daredevil

Kara Alexander, Multimedia Editor
May 9, 2022
Laid off worker finds excitement in new places.
This was the set up Valery Gaspar had when she was working from home remotely during the pandemic. Photo credit: Alvaro Nevarez

Working in a global pandemic

Alvaro Nevarez, Staff Writer
May 8, 2022
A tale of two workers trying to make a living in the pandemic.
Visual Image portraying my life and family during lockdown. Photo credit: Ayo Kunkushi

Mad House

Ebube Okoji, Staff Writer
May 8, 2022
How my life has changed as a person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic till now.
The interior of Class 302 Cafe hangs decorations to provide a similar feel of being inside of a school classroom. Photo credit: Darryl Linardi

Class 302 Cafe, the class COVID-19 couldn’t beat

Darryl Linardi, Staff Writer
April 28, 2022
Chefs, waiters and cashiers- who we often overlook- play a vital role in the food industry and our everyday lives. Class 302 Cafe shares their struggles as a foreign restaurant battling against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many mothers during the pandemic were burdened with having to keep themselves as well as their children safe from the deadly virus. Jaime Valladares was one of the many caring for a newborn, balancing a business and tending to her family.

Being a mom during the pandemic

Fatima Durrani and Clarissa Arceo
April 28, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic paid everyone a rather unpleasant visit- more specifically, mothers and especially those balancing motherhood and owning a small business. We've interviewed some of the most hardworking mothers - who've become our heroes without capes.
Nathalie Marin 20 year old college student who has overcome depression during quarantine and started to live hr life no matter the cost. Photo credit: Nathalie Marin

Overcoming depression as a new college student

Alexia Naranjo, Staff Writer
April 28, 2022
Nathalie Marin a Cerritos College student suffering from depression first starting college during in 2020 during the pandemic. As time passed, she pushed forward and started living her life no matter the cost.
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