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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

CCC Interim Chancellor Daisy Gonzalez

Interim Chancellor gives updates on DACA and new bachelor’s degrees

Samuel Chacko, Editor-in-Chief
October 7, 2022
Daisy Gonzalez, the California Community College (CCC) interim chancellor, gave updates on important legislation on DACA and bachelor's degrees.
Julio Rayo downtown Los Angeles outside of the Federal building on March 17, 2021.  Julio took the oath to become a US Citizen.

Dreamer Julio Rayo achieves citizenship in post Trump world

Jacqueline Cochran, News Editor
April 20, 2021
Despite the previous administration placing roadblocks and delays due to the pandemic, Julio Rayo completed the process and accomplished his goal of becoming a citizen of the United States.
Undocumented alumni spoke Friday night, Oct. 23. They said their journey in higher education began at Cerritos College. Photo credit: Nitish Meena/Unsplash

These trailblazers didn’t let their citizenship stop them from succeeding

Daniel Suarez Jr., News Editor
October 30, 2020
Alumni from Cerritos College shared their experiences as undocumented students on campus and how they navigated the path to success
Undocumented Student Action Week runs through Oct. 19-23. The CHIRLA webinar was the first, providing information and free legal counsel to students.

CHIRLA offers legal counsel to undocumented students in low attendee webinar

Daniel Suarez Jr., News Editor
October 20, 2020
The Board of Trustees passed resolutions in support of Undocumented Students Week of Action, but there's difficulty in making sure it gets to those who need it.
Marilza Agundaz talks about what CHRILA does for college students.

Undocumented Student Week hosts DACA and CHIRLA presentations

Vivian Yglesias, Staff Writer
October 26, 2019

Undocumented Student Week has started and of the many events, one is the taskforce CHIRLA's, Coalition for Humane Imigration Rights of Los Angeles, presentation on DACA and what it offers for undocumented...

Vice President David Ramirez gives a presentation on how the Arduino internship benefitted students and that he specifically wanted to fund undocumented, AB 540 and international students. He said, " I think that it's not fair when students who have that capacity or exceed that capacity are not able to do so because the fact that they are deemed a category of people who are ineligible."

Undocumented students for NASA internship

John Chavez
April 9, 2018

A discussion broke out in the Associated Students of Cerritos College senate concerning an Arduino internship with NASA. It focused on the question to whether undocumented, AB 540 and international students...

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