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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

"A Day in the Life of Luis" is a weekly personal column written by Luis Lemus.

A Day in the Life of Luis: If you don’t use it, you lose it

Luis Lemus, Co-Sports Editor
April 23, 2020
"Falling on your backside definitely hurts but it's a great reminder to keep up the practice and stay on your feet."
"A Day in the Life of Luis" is a weekly personal column written by Luis Lemus.

A Day in the Life of Luis: COVID and living with a disability

Luis Lemus
April 21, 2020
Life during the pandemic is just like living your normal life, with a few adjustments for the situation.
Hip Hop dancer Auti Angel dances with her crew during the Festival of Human Abilities. on Saturday, January 25. Photo credit: Derrick Coleman

Festival of Human Abilities celebrates people with disabilities

Derrick Coleman
February 11, 2020

Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific celebrated their 17th annual Festival of Human Abilities with events such as adaptive scuba diving, hip hop dancing and classic guitar and dancing performances. Peter...

“A Day in the Life of Luis”: The words you never want to hear

Luis Lemus, co-sports editor
January 23, 2020
However difficult it may be, Multiple Sclerosis cannot take away my voice and who I am. This is Luis Lemus, and this is my personal journey through the triumphs and struggles that come with living with MS.
Photo credit: Sofia Gallegos

Cerritos College needs better accessibility for students with disabilities

Derrick Coleman and Luis Lemus
October 16, 2019

With Disability Awareness Month in full swing, it is time to look at the improvements that can be made across Cerritos College to better life for all, but also importantly, focus on improving conditions...

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