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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Mayor Blanca Pacheco stands with Catherine Alvarez, volunteers and girl scouts after finishing planting a Japanese maple tree at Downey city hall. Photo credit: Silas Bravo

Drive-thru tree giveaway in Downey

Silas Bravo, Arts and Entertainment
May 4, 2022
Members of the Downey City Council hosted a drive-thru fruit tree giveaway on Saturday in light of Arbor Day.
Alexandria's campaign photo.  She is the only challenger for district one.

District One City Council candidate Alexandria Contreras is unyielding in her advocacy for a better Downey

Jacqueline Cochran, Community Editor
October 16, 2020
Young, educated and fiercely fighting for the middle class, minority, disabled, and LQTBQ+ community of Downey.
Citizens speak on matters concerning them. A motion was passed to slash speaking time from 5 minutes to 2 minutes on Jan. 28, 2020. Photo credit: Oscar Torres

Downey City Hall limiting public speaking

Oscar Torres
February 11, 2020

Downey City Hall held their second meeting on Jan. 28 with the council members discussing and approving the reduction of public comments from five minutes to three.This was not the first time that they...

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downey city council