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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Dr. Jose Fierro, president of Cerritos College, expressed how important student retention is. Dr. Fierro said that it will take a long, collaborative effort to address the concern of enrollment decline.

Enrollment for the spring 2022 semester declines dramatically

Fatima Durrani, Staff Writer
December 7, 2021
Compared to previous academic years, the student enrollment statewide has dropped about 17% in the spring 2021 semester. On Dec. 7, the academic affairs hosted an enrollment forum to discuss resolutions to enrollment challenges that arose due the pandemic.
The coronavirus forced UNC Chapel Hill, associate professor Steven King, to switch to online classes. He sent VR headsets to students and built a classroom to teach and interact with his students in virtual reality for the spring 2020 semester. (Amy M. King/TNS)

Cerritos moves to online-only format for summer 2020 sessions

Jazmin Taha
April 10, 2020
Cerritos College President Jose Fierro announces that all summer 2020 classes will be online only.
FSZ: Should students be allowed to test out courses so that they don't have to take them?

FSZ: Should students be allowed to test out courses so that they don’t have to take them?

Samantha Vasquez, Opinion Copy Editor
December 3, 2014

Not that enrollment for the Spring semester is underway, we asked students whether they believe they should test out courses so that they don't have to take them.

Student enrollment priority changes for fall semester

Joe Zermeno, Staff Writer
May 20, 2014
Students may lose priority enrollment if progress probation guidelines not met.
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