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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Almost $6 gas at an Exxon gasoline station in Washington D.C.

Can’t blame inflation anymore

Joel Carpio, Editor in Chief
September 30, 2023
California's gas prices continue to surge with no end or relief at the pump in sight anytime soon.
Imajah Wandix

Imajah Wandix isn’t feeling California

Samuel Carey, Arts and Entertainment Editor
October 29, 2022
The golden state is losing its value rapidly and Imajah Wandix, a Long Beach native, talks about it.
Soaring gas prices in Califonia nearly reached $5 a gallon.

Gas prices will go back down, eventually…

Joel Carpio, Staff Writer
September 30, 2022
Gas prices in California have been soaring lately but they won’t stay like that for long!
Local gas prices on rise with no end in sight causing pain at the pump and in peoples pockets. Norwalk 76 Gas station prices on March. 11, 2022

Gas prices are too damn high

Roman Acosta and Lily Marmolejo
March 23, 2022
Pain at the pump, here's what you can do to take action.

Student discount on gas is a necessity

Christopher Martinez
October 1, 2018

Students should be able to receive discounts on gas since the price of gas is not lowering, but increasing.College is notable for being one of the most expensive times in a young adult's life. In some...

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gas prices