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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Go Green Task Force advisors and club members worked to bring back local wildlife by planting native plants. The plants were brought in and planted on Feb. 22.

Go Green pushes to reintroduce plant life

Carmelita Islas Mendez, News Editor
March 4, 2019

Changes to the Cerritos College campus continues with Go Green Task Force organization and efforts. The club organized an event to plant California native plants on Feb. 22. The plants are being put...

Jobs available to students interested in ASCC’s recycling nest program

Gildardo Aquino, Staff Writer
August 23, 2014

The Associated Students of Cerritos College (ASCC) are hiring students to join their recycling nest program that pays $12.50 an hour. It was started last year by members of ASCC, who put together The...

Day two of diversity week at Falcon Square. Students recycled to recieve an eco-friendly plastic cup. Photo credit: Grester Celis-Acosta

Diversity week does not start off on the right foot

Grester Celis-Acosta, Associate Opinion Editor
April 22, 2014
Diversity Week began this week on Monday and will end on Thursday. It is a four-day event that will have activities for students to participate in and will be located at Falcon Square in Cerritos College.

Going green for our only home

Denny Cristales, News Editor
January 30, 2014
All this talk of going green has one wondering if one should do it, too. But what exactly is going green? And why is it so important that you do, do it?

Go Green Committee promotes recycling and jobs

Denny Cristales, News Editor
January 29, 2014
The Go Green Committee seeks to create jobs for students, promote environmentalist initiatives, such as recycling, and give back to Cerritos College.

New senators get settled as initiatives are discussed in first meeting

Luis Guzman, Associate News Editor
January 16, 2014
Six new senators were appointed in the first Associated Students of Cerritos College Senate meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
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Go Green Committee