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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Spring Build-a-Bear stuffed animals just in time for Valentine's Day. Perfect to match with your non-binary friend or loved one!

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Them

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 9, 2022
Finding the perfect gift for your non-binary loved ones can be hard- especially when Valentine's Day confines itself to a day filled with roses. We've created a list of gift ideas breaking the heteronormative standard.
Valentine's Day is the holiday where people rush to show appreciation towards their partner or a loved ones. It's time to normalize showing that love as much as possible - not just on a holiday.

Love shouldn’t just be shown on Valentine’s Day

Fatima Durrani and Samuel Chacko
February 2, 2022
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, it’s important to remember that your valentine deserves appreciation 365 days a year. Although this holiday is specifically for admiration, why not make almost everyday feel like it’s Valentine’s Day?
With COVID-19 still impacting the country, couples must find ways to manage their relationships. Social distanced and long term dating has become necessary to keep couples together.

Relationships and friendships surviving COVID-19 against all odds

Janet Chavarria
February 11, 2021
With patience, time and effort, any relationship can survive COVID-19. Yes, even during Valentine's Day.

Everyone is loved by someone

Stephanies Guerrero
February 26, 2018

Valentine’s Day is here and for a lot of people it feels like a special holiday for them and their significant other.Yes, it can be thought of as a special holiday, but not necessarily just for one...

Photo credit: Rachel Tully

All you need is non-conforming love

Jasmine Martinez
February 13, 2018

Valentine’s Day has snuck up on us once more, and with the holiday comes the same, tired media plots and advertisements that exclude queer people in favor of pandering to the majority heterosexual audience. Every...

The growing beard trend

Gustavo Olguin, Managing Editor
February 26, 2014
The natural occurrence that is known as facial hair has taken over the world and it seems like that is growing on the people in America.

Talon Talks: Valentines Day

Gustavo Olguin and Larissa Morales
February 21, 2014

Gustavo Olguin and his new co-host, Larissa Morales, talk about Valentine's Day, love and money in their first installment of Spring 2014 Talon Talks. Olguin: Hello everyone. It's the first episode...

Reina Williams, Cosmetology major,is getting a caricature of her grandmother who is dying of cancer. Williams wants a caricature of her grandmother before she was stricken with cancer"It's something for our family to keep us up,its a family memory of her as she looked before her cancer not as she looks now," said Williams.

Valentines Day comes early to Falcon Square

Maria Lopez, Online Editor
February 15, 2014
Instead of singing serenades, like the Kabarkada Club advertised on Facebook, it decided to sell caricatures at their Valentine's Day booth on Thursday Feb. 13

Female perspective: first attractions

Amairani Mendez, Arts Editor
February 13, 2014

During the first week of school, everyone tries to look their best as well as looking fresh and rested throughout the rest of the school year. It's the best time to check out which guy should be a eye...

Falcon Punch Ep 1: Valentines Day

Falcon Punch Ep 1: Valentines Day

February 12, 2014

Hello people, we grab a couple of the fellow editors to discuss what they feel about Valentines Day. This emotional holiday has become so much more than a day of love and our editors have some great opinions...

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