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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Fans were all given a KN95 mask at the entrance of the venue to wear throughout the game. How many can you spot wearing one? Courtesy of: Penn Live

Wear your mask- even when no one else is

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 16, 2022
With LA County easing up on mask-wearing policies for Superbowl weekend, many are beginning to believe it will mark the end of the mask mandate. Wear your mask nonetheless.
Sophomore student Khoa Nguyen waits with other students to enter a classroom on the USC campus Monday, August 23, 2021 for the first day of in-person classes. USC and California State University campuses start in-person classes on Monday, serving as a test case for whether vaccine mandates, masking, regular testing and other protocols can minimize spread of the Delta variant even as thousands of students congregate in classes, dorms and social events. Photo credit: Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/TNS

Cal State University students adjust to vaccine mandate

Fatima Durrani, Staff Writer
August 26, 2021
Students at surrounding universities are getting prepared to adjust to the mask mandates and safety rules protocols.
Dozens of maskless attendees attended the indoor seminar at the Old World Bar and Restaurant on March 31, 2021. Dr. Billy Demoss and Dr. John Bergman argued against widely held beliefs about the virus and the vaccine.

Doctors dispute COVID-19 information at anti-vax seminar

Vincent Medina, Community Editor
April 1, 2021
Dr. John Bergman and Dr. Billy Demoss argued against the scientific consensus on COVID-19 during an indoor seminar with no masks or social distancing held on March 31.
Two people sit on a park bench socially desitancing. COVID has claimed over 200,00 thousand lives.

COVID won’t disappear because you want it to, just ask the 200,000 dead

Mirella Vargas and Vanessa Maya
October 9, 2020
With hundreds of thousands dead, Americans seem to think wishful thinking will bring back "business as usual."
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