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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Fans were all given a KN95 mask at the entrance of the venue to wear throughout the game. How many can you spot wearing one? Courtesy of: Penn Live

Wear your mask- even when no one else is

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 16, 2022
With LA County easing up on mask-wearing policies for Superbowl weekend, many are beginning to believe it will mark the end of the mask mandate. Wear your mask nonetheless.
Not being able to see your loved one(s) on the most romantic day of the year can be difficult, but keeping each other safe is more important. Learn how you can safely celebrate your loved ones this year. Photo credit: Clarissa Arceo

Safely celebrating Valentine’s Day

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 4, 2022
Whether you’re celebrating your partner, family or friends, here are some safe and enjoyable ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.
This is an image of a closed sign on a restaurant and the picture was taken in Greece.

How COVID-19 continues to affect everyone

Samuel Chacko, News Editor
January 31, 2022
COVID-19 and Omicron have resulted in canceled events and the rescheduling of events to a virtual platform.
After being shut down in 2020 due to COVID-19, the Columbia Space Center in Downey, CA makes the decision to create virtual experiences for students to engage in and learn about space in a safe way.

Living in space with the Columbia Space Center

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
January 27, 2022
The Columbia Space Center invites classes in K-8th grade to register for private, virtual field trips after schools announce closure once again.
After answering essentially everyone's questions, Fierro said that he has taken to watching Cobra Kai in his downtime. Some participants suggested other shows to also watch like Tom Lasso.

Dr. Fierro’s Instagram Live update

Matthew Espinosa, Staff Writer
January 27, 2022
As to reach students in a more convenient fashion, president Jose Fierro hosted an Instagram Live to provide an update on Cerritos College's happenings. With an emphasis on the Omicron situation, the event answered some questions that have worried students.
Grocery store shortages appear to be reoccurring as the omicron variant piles onto supply chain difficulties and labor shortages. Shoppers reminisce the grocery store panic.

Empty grocery shelves are back

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
January 19, 2022
Grocery store shelves across the country are being wiped clean yet again and remain empty as stores struggle to restock. The ongoing shortage in truck drivers and grocery store associates continues to fuel this crisis.
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