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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

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Podcast: The talking stage in relationships

Diana Morales and Sophia Castillo
October 20, 2022
This topic is about the new age of dating also known as “the talking stage” as Diana and Sophia discuss their dislikes of the talking stage as well as their red flags.
Spring Build-a-Bear stuffed animals just in time for Valentine's Day. Perfect to match with your non-binary friend or loved one!

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Them

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 9, 2022
Finding the perfect gift for your non-binary loved ones can be hard- especially when Valentine's Day confines itself to a day filled with roses. We've created a list of gift ideas breaking the heteronormative standard.
Not being able to see your loved one(s) on the most romantic day of the year can be difficult, but keeping each other safe is more important. Learn how you can safely celebrate your loved ones this year. Photo credit: Clarissa Arceo

Safely celebrating Valentine’s Day

Clarissa Arceo, Community Editor
February 4, 2022
Whether you’re celebrating your partner, family or friends, here are some safe and enjoyable ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day this year.
Boundaries can be implicit and not everything needs to be said. However, communicating verbally can help clear the air and even build up trust.

Boundaries of a relationship

Matthew Espinosa, Staff Writer
February 4, 2022
Boundaries in nature are ambiguous and subject to change. Teal Table Talks: My Relationship Boundaries... Revealed! is held to clarify the more concrete aspects of them.
COVID is placing barriers that many couples have never had to face. It's time to take a step back, and adapt to this new world. Photo credit: pixabay

COVID could be infecting your relationship

Edgar Mendoza, Opinion Editor
October 16, 2020
With everything the pandemic throws at us, it's easy to project your worries onto your partner.

Screw the exclusionary theme of Valentine’s Day

Jose Flores
February 12, 2018

Don’t let today’s version of romantic Valentine’s Day ruin the holiday for you. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be celebrated by only those who are in some kind of committed...

One shade of abuse

One shade of abuse

Monica Gallardo, Opinion Editor
February 18, 2015
The controversial film adaptation of E. L. James' "Fifty Shades of Grey" grossed roughly $85 million during its opening weekend, thanks to the money-hungry film industry that has manipulated viewers into thinking of this as a romantic, erotic film.

Intimacy in relationship lecture

Luis Guzman, Multimedia Editor
November 26, 2013

Dr. Mary Ann Larson was the speaker for the psychology club's lecture on intimacy in a relationship on November 22, 2013.

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