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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cris Reyes sits near the Fine Arts building after the interview.

The driven minds behind fan art

Mel Ayala and Christine Nader
May 9, 2023
Fan art has always been a way to channel one's appreciation for something one loves, and Cris Reyes guides us through it all.
Players are able to explore parts of the castle that were previously unavailable in the MAIDEN demo. Pictured above is a puzzle that is actually unsolvable in the demo, but is sure to be a challenge in the full release. Photo credit: Capcom Unity/Capcom, Co., Ltd.

‘Resident Evil Village’ castle demo: an exciting evolution of the survival horror genre

Rafael Magana
April 28, 2021
The "Resident Evil Village" 'castle' demo allows players to get an in-depth look at some of the game's more nuanced mechanics.
When players are thrust into the game world, this is one of the first areas that they will see. It's fully explorable, with a ton to see it it's many areas. Photo credit: Capcom Unity/Capcom, Co., Ltd.

Resident Evil Village’s timed demo is a short, but sweet experience

Rafael Magana
April 21, 2021
The latest title from Capcom's Resident Evil Franchise. This new title takes alot of inspiration from Resident Evil 4
Key art for the Maiden demo, featuring the dungeons of Castle Dimitrescu and a mysterious figure. Photo credit: Capcom Unity/Capcom, Co., Ltd.

Resident Evil Village’s “Maiden” demo is an exciting look at what’s to come

Rafael Magana, Arts and Entertainment Co-Editor
January 28, 2021
Capcom offers players an enticing first look at their upcoming survival horror project.
"Resident Evil Village" is a horror/action game and is the 8th sequel to the series. Players get to control Ethan(protagonist of RE7) as he goes through the castle in search of his daughter. Photo credit: Capcom Unity/Capcom, Co., Ltd.

‘Resident Evil’ Showcase: Celebrating 25 years of RE

Oscar Torres, Arts and Entertainment Co-Editor
January 25, 2021
Resident Evil is back along with many more surprises for the series 25th Anniversary. What new exciting details will Capcom show its fans in this showcase?
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Resident Evil