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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Marilza Agundaz talks about what CHRILA does for college students.

Undocumented Student Week hosts DACA and CHIRLA presentations

Vivian Yglesias, Staff Writer
October 26, 2019

Undocumented Student Week has started and of the many events, one is the taskforce CHIRLA's, Coalition for Humane Imigration Rights of Los Angeles, presentation on DACA and what it offers for undocumented...

Vice presidents of the Associated Students of Cerritos College David Ramirez was displeased by actions taken in senate. He said, "It boggles my mind, the idea of funding undocumented students for half a scholarship that a normal citizen would get. That's just morally wrong."

NASA Internship Debate for Undocumented Students Still Ongoing

John Chavez
April 18, 2018

The Associated Students of Cerritos College senate once again were presented with legislation for the Arduino Internship Opportunity, where the debate regarding undocumented student's participation resurfaced....

Vice President David Ramirez gives a presentation on how the Arduino internship benefitted students and that he specifically wanted to fund undocumented, AB 540 and international students. He said, " I think that it's not fair when students who have that capacity or exceed that capacity are not able to do so because the fact that they are deemed a category of people who are ineligible."

Undocumented students for NASA internship

John Chavez
April 9, 2018

A discussion broke out in the Associated Students of Cerritos College senate concerning an Arduino internship with NASA. It focused on the question to whether undocumented, AB 540 and international students...

Undocumented students should be able to receive financial aid

Gustavo Lopez
October 27, 2014
Undocumented students should receive financial aid - pure and simple. Students with financial aid will probably never know the struggle of trying to pay for books, food and transportation (gas or bus).
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