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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

The Cerritos College Foundation grants $20,000 to the Ben Pendleton Student Veterans Memorial Scholarship.

Military Ball honors service members and graduating veterans

Edward Fernandez, Staff Writer
April 30, 2024
Cerritos College veterans share a night of dancing and camaraderie.
Soldiers of the 79th Infantry Division Combat Team participated in the San Diego Pride Parade. Attendance of the pride parade including 79th IBCT Soldiers and other service members signed the California National Guard’s banner on July 13, 2019. Photo credit: California National Guard

Biden administration rewards shunned LGBTQ heroes with benefits

Ignored for years, LGBTQ service members finally receive government aid from Department of Veteran Affairs.

Veterans with ptsd should not have any access to guns

Keanu Ruffo
November 19, 2018

The fact that a man with a history of mental health issues has access to guns is stupid and dangerous.Ian Long, a marine veteran, who served in the Afghanistan war, shot and killed 12 people at a country...

FSZ: Do you think veterans are properly honored on Veterans Day?

FSZ: Do you think veterans are properly honored on Veterans Day?

Monica Gallardo, Sports Copy Editor
November 12, 2014

U.S. soldiers go through a lot protecting this country and every year they are celebrated on Veterans Day. We asked students if they feel that veterans are properly honored on Veterans Day?

Veterans honored in ceremony

Luis Guzman, Managing Multimedia Editor
November 10, 2014

Cerritos College was a host to a veterans day ceremony on Nov. 10. Speakers at the event talked about the sacrifice veterans undertake and the importance of serving the military.

The ASCC meeting took place Sept. 18 in BK111. ASCC members were discussing the Veterans Day ceremony, which will take place in November. Photo credit: Kenia Torres

Planning for Veterans Day takes another step with meeting

Jennifer Medina
September 18, 2014

To express the gratitude toward veterans, a color guard group and a band will be attending the Veterans day ceremony, taking place at the steps of the Burnight Theater on Monday, Nov. 10. The meeting...

Veterans receive a helping hand during holidays

Larissa Morales, Associate Opinion Editor
November 19, 2013

‘Tis the season for giving and that’s exactly what the Veterans Resource Center at Cerritos College is doing for Thanksgiving. “This year we had a really difficult time with our veterans having...

Cerritos College Veteran’s Day Ceremony

Luis Guzman and Matthew Molina
November 7, 2013

A Veterans Day ceremony was held to inform students about Veterans Day and remember those who have served and died for the US.

Shutdown’s effect on veterans

Larissa Morales
October 8, 2013

Students are beginning to question what the government shutdown means and how it will affect them, but the real crisis is the toll that it's taking on the nation's veterans. As of now, the government...

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