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Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Cerritos College • Norwalk, Calif.

Talon Marks

Graffiti art demonstrating Israel vs. Palestine.

Palestine is breaking the internet

Diana Morales
December 4, 2023
Since the war between Isreal and Palestine started on Oct. 7, social media has not taken a break and has been keeping us updated on that really is happening in Palestine and the conditions they're in.
Prisoner of war encampment in Korea during the Korean War.

War is dumb, it’s time to grow up

Vanesa Molina, Staff Writer
November 1, 2023
War is the outcome of grown men not being able to act maturely.
This is an image of people who were protesting the death of Trayvon Martin with this amazing-looking sign. This took place in downtown Milwaukee and the image was taken on June 17, 2012. (Creative Commons) Photo credit: Overpass Light Brigade

Racism is here to stay

Corruption within the world is something that happens on a daily basis. But why is there racism even during the midst of a war?
Frank Parze and his journey in the military

Frank Parze and his journey in the military

Mavy Roman
November 14, 2013

Like many young men, Frank Parze was unsure of what to do with his future and had no exact path, he decided to join the military just 5 months before the September 11 attacks. He talks about the impact...

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