Samuel Chacko
This is Majority Leader for ASCC Senate, Dumones S. Reyes, who talked on the stage about his presentation on recycling old class notes on March 8.
ASCC Court, Senate and Cabinet have prepared for the upcoming elections during Feb., as well as reviewing and approving legislation.
Senate discussed and approved SB-2223-04 (BEC/Umoja Funding Request), a funding request by the Black Excellence Collaborative (BEC) and the Umoja Student Success Program to hold a Black Grad at the end of the Spring semester.
SB-2223-04, the BEC/Umoja Funding Request, will provide an inclusive cultural graduation in support and recognition of professional development and educational opportunities for African American and Black employees and students.
In addition, the Senate approved SR-2223-01, the Safe Parking at Night Act, which will advocate for students to be allowed to park in staff parking lots (white and yellow-lined stalls) from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
SR-2223-01, The Safe Parking at Night Act, will also provide safety reassurance to all students who take night classes, creating a comfortable and secure environment.
Senate also discussed and approved SB-2223-05, a funding request for Model United Nations (MUN) to attend a UCLA conference in an amount not to exceed $3,144.00 from the Senate Fund 600-03-015.
SB-2223-05 will allow students to attend the MUN Conference which is essentially a replica of the real Model United Nations.
The MUN conference is where students will represent a country and address certain prompts that reflect current problems that are happening internationally.
Students will be able to tap into and know real-world problems and enhance speech and debate skills, gain knowledge of what the MUN actually does, all while having a chance to network and scope out the environment of a Model United Nations Conference.
Moreover, Senate discussed and approved JR-2223-02, the Paperwork Reduction Resolution, regarding reducing the burden of paperwork for students and staff at Cerritos College.
JR-2223-02, the Paperwork Reduction Resolution, calls on college agencies to reduce the amount of time it takes to process paperwork and to automate their systems to the furthest degree possible.
It’s designed to help students overcome the burden of paperwork at college; Examples of such paperwork can include but are not limited to financial aid forms, dual enrollment forms or graduation petitions.
Additionally, Senate denied JR-2223-05, reaffirming student rights, reaffirming ASCC resolutions and supporting changes to the student grade grievance system.
ASCC Court will be processing the upcoming elections for 2023-2024 for Vice President, President and Student Trustee.
The court will be dedicated to preparation for ASCC elections, assigning court members to facilitate different meetings that will be hosted in the next couple of months with regard to the election.
Equally as important, Cabinet has inaugurated new members and now welcomes new Executive Cabinet Deputy and Directors.
Leading into the month of March, events to keep a lookout for include election applications that will be due toward the beginning of the month and the preparation of candidate campaigns.