The Cerritos College 2024 graduating class gathered in the Student Center on April 23 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for Grad Fair.
Grads attended to pick up graduation tickets, take grad photos, and join the alumni association.
“This is an opportunity for the grads to talk to anyone here with the mini graduations like Undocu leaders and LGBTQ+,” said Justine Santos, who works for student activities on campus.
Other organizations from around campus gathered to offer assistance such as Umoja, Child Development, Student Accessibility Services, and EOPS.
Many of the organizations available will hold separate ceremonies for their graduates as part of their program.
“I think it’s a great time to celebrate all of these students’ accomplishments while making sure students also know about opportunities and to showcase all of what they have been working towards,” said Counselor of Umoja, Dr. Clara Ross-Jones.
Lines throughout the student center were organized by last name for students to pick up their tickets and honors cords. Graduates with a 3.3 cumulative GPA or higher received an honors cord.
The graduating class received up to 8 guest tickets for the commencement ceremony. Students were required to have a Photo ID in order to pick up their tickets.
A decorating station was available for students to participate in decorating their graduation cap. Also, other stations for decorating cards and taking graduation pictures were available for the upcoming graduates.“ I’m a part of Umoja and Christian Club, I feel very appreciated as a grad and it flowed really well, I like how you just get in line and grab your stuff and they offer grad pictures and thank you cards, when I’m done here at Cerritos I actually get to work in a dental office.” said Michelle Hawkins, Dental Assisting major.
Any grads who were not able to make it to the grad fair event will have until May 10 to pick up their graduation tickets during office hours from the Student Activities office.
The 66th annual commencement ceremony will be held on May 17 at 6 p.m. at Falcon Stadium, and congrats to all the Falcons graduating.