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ASCC Cabinet Meeting – January 26, 2015 (Part 3)
About the Contributors

Carlos Marquez, Opinion Editor
My name is Carlos Marquez and I am Opinion Editor for this fall semester in Talon Marks at Cerritos College. There is not much to say about me, I’m a regular student just like you majoring in Journalism and getting closer and closer to graduate with an Associates degree. I’m a fan of comic books and movies, I am what some may call a geek; I guess. I like to be aware of the events surrounding my community and share points of view with people to learn something new. I think is important to turn the community’s voice into echo in order to inspire,make a difference and support a common cause.

Carlos Holguin, Staff Writer
This is Carlos Holguin’s fourth semester with the paper and he couldn’t be happier to continue. When not writing or taking photos for the paper Carlos is the creator and host of The Weekly Geek, a podcast informing students on recent music, movie, and gaming news. Carlos has also been know to partake in theater here at Cerritos College.
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